If you or someone you know is lost or injured in the woods or on the waters of Maine Call 911.
Monthly test page the first of every month
Upcoming events for 2025
1/17 Night Navigation, Bradbury Mountain State Park
2/8 100 Mile Wilderness Sled Dog Race, Greenville
3/2 MASAR Quarterly meeting Sidney
4/19 Kenduskeag Stream Canoe Race, Bangor
5/3-4 SAR Standby, Baxter State Park
On 5/14/2012 the York County Emergency Response Rescue Team (YCERRT) was officially disbanded. With the encouragement of our local Game Warden, Rick LaFlame, a few of the YCERRT team members decided form a new team. Bryan Courtois, Larry DeHof and Dan Pierce spearheaded getting the word out and attracting potential team members. On July 25, 2012 a meeting was held at Cabela's in Scarborough and Pine Tree Search and Rescue (PTSAR) was born. At later meetings officers were elected and bylaws were drafted and approved. On 9/11/2012 PTSAR became a MASAR certified unit. On 1/23/2013 PTSAR received 501(c)(3) status.
As of 01/16/2024 our team has grown to 65 including 13 MASAR certified Search Team Members and 3 MASAR certified Search Team Leaders. We meet about once per month and routinely partner with other teams for trainings and meetings. Our team has a number of Registered Maine Guides, AMC trip leaders, Scout leaders, active duty and retired law enforcement and military, fire fighters, EMTs, and others with vast outdoor experience.
We understand that team members are volunteers and have lives outside of SAR including family, school, jobs, etc. We have no requirement to attend trainings, meetings, or searches. We do limit search call outs to active members who have been screened by attending multiple trainings and meetings. We do respond to searches throughout Maine and occasionally New Hampshire.
Down load application below. Save it to your local drive, complete it and email it to treasurer@pinetreesar.com or print it mail it to the address at the bottom of the application.
When joining PTSAR you must acknowledge that you have read, understand, and will comply with the MASAR media policy.
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